Thursday, August 18, 2011

How do I correct a problem with my spell checker?

after I write an e-mail I click the spell check, it underlines the word, I then click the right word for it to correct but it will not put in the corrected word.

Schooling in spain for a child with learning difficulties?

Charity Christian Academy works with children who have learning issues, they might be able to help you.

'Calamity' will you give me a few words on this late summer night?

This poem was a riot of sound, a veritable echo chamber of ricocheting rhymes, but after reading through it three times and trying to sort out the kaleidoscopically changing metaphors I left perplexed, wondering what point you were really trying to make. In S3, the rhyme on 'comet' and 'palm it,' though novel, imparted to your poem a tenor not in keeping with what I thought you were trying to convey -- it almost seems to have been done for comic effect. The penultimate line's "trap that I got trapped in" is redundant. I've no doubt that you wrote this from a perspective of sincerity, but for this reader you have failed to make meaning. The lack of punctuation didn't help, though the poem was so simple in syntax that the lack did not add to the confusion. And yet, confusion there was.

Can zebra finches live together without breeding?

you could try removing anything that could be used as a nest, food cups, etc. And don't give them anything to trigger nest building, string, hay, etc. Maybe they will remain platonic :) If they do lay eggs and you don't want babies, get some fake eggs and toss the real ones, let the hen sit on the fake eggs till she gets tired of sitting, that will at least stop them breeding for a little while.

Would this be a good NBA 2K9 championship team?

ya its a good team i would try to get a dominate scorer. You need to get a great shooter that can make 3's easy. try to get a ray allen kobe bryant lebron pual perice

Chemical Pregnancy - Am I Being Irrational?

You are not even close to being too irrational. You were pregnant and you had an early miscarriage. You are frustrated and heart broken after trying for so long and then finally getting that positive result. I know exactly how you feel. I was 5 weeks pregnant when I had a miscarriage and its the worst feeling in the world going from being ecstatic about conceiving your angel, to heart broken because your angel was meant to be somewhere else. It sucks and it is natural to be emotional after something like that happens. Your child died and there is nothing wrong with grieving for your unborn baby. If it makes you feel better apologize to your friend. I am sure she will forgive you and will be understanding just because she knew what kind of state you were in. I am so sorry for your loss and I really do hope you get your BFP again soon and I hope you give birth to the most beautiful baby. Good luck and don't give up hope. It will happen when it is time. I will be praying for you =D Baby Dust to you.

Does the stamina of some amaze you....?

I thought it was lovely and the Granny looked fit as a flea. Definitely someone I would want around in my hour of need.:)