Tuesday, August 16, 2011

9 DPO too early to test?

I started charting this month and DH and I BD two days before the scheduled ovulation day. We really want a boy so...anywho.. Now I am having several symptoms but none like the ones from the months before with BFNs! I have had headaches, small but noticeable, minor cramps that feel like AF cramps but AF isn't due till Friday. I have woken up several times during the night because I am so hot! I have to shed layers to get cool. For the past 3 nights I have had very vivid dreams. I can recall extreme details. And the one that made me come here and ask is the fact that yesterday morning when I brushed my teeth I was spitting soooo much blood! I couldn't see where my gums were bleeding but they definitely were. Should I test tomorrow morning or just wait till this weekend? Did any of you have any of these symptoms and get a BFP?

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