Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Horse injury. Please help!!?

A bit over a month ago, my horse cut his leg (unsure how), and there was a flap of skin covering most of the wound. My friend told me to clean it, then make up an iodine/sugar paste & put it on the wound & bandage his leg. I did this daily and after a few days, the big flap of skin was gone, but there was still a smaller one on the side of the wound. We poked & prodded at it & found that it was still attached very well. We bandaged the wound & changed the bandage every 2 - 3 days for about 3 weeks., We then left the bandage off & the wound died up and scabbed. About a week later he was running around his paddock & managed to scrap the scab off - so we're basically back to the beginning again (except without the big flap of skin). The smaller flap is now only just attached at the bottom, but I don't want to cut it off because it's a fairly thick chunk of skin & it's obviously still alive because he kicks when i touch it. I've been doing the iodine/sugar thing for 2 days now - hoping that it will detach itself or something! is there anything i can do to make it come off? is there anything I shouldn't be doing? He's not lame & the leg isn't swollen or infected. Help me!!

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