Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is my teacher a ********* or what? She made me cry?

Okay today I got my project back that I worked on from a while back. I got an 81% on it! She only told us what to do on a rubric. She did not provide a hard copy of an example to meet her expectations. Yes this is a math statistical paper. In my cl we've never done one before. All we learned how to do was the calculations. She said my paper was disorganized and crap and then she pulls one that looked really well done out of her from another period. All the graphs made from the computer and crap printed out. I did mine on paper by hand because she never explained it to our period. When I told her she did not, she claimed "Yes I did". I hate her. And she made me cry because she wouldn't let me reformat it and crap! Yes that brought me down a grade point so my freaking mad. I talked to one of my other good teachers they said that I should email her and tell her how I was frustrated and crap. I think that's actually a good idea. But she probably won't listen considering the fact that she is a perfectionist and takes her job too seriously!

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