Thursday, August 18, 2011

'Calamity' will you give me a few words on this late summer night?

This poem was a riot of sound, a veritable echo chamber of ricocheting rhymes, but after reading through it three times and trying to sort out the kaleidoscopically changing metaphors I left perplexed, wondering what point you were really trying to make. In S3, the rhyme on 'comet' and 'palm it,' though novel, imparted to your poem a tenor not in keeping with what I thought you were trying to convey -- it almost seems to have been done for comic effect. The penultimate line's "trap that I got trapped in" is redundant. I've no doubt that you wrote this from a perspective of sincerity, but for this reader you have failed to make meaning. The lack of punctuation didn't help, though the poem was so simple in syntax that the lack did not add to the confusion. And yet, confusion there was.

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