Monday, August 8, 2011

Why should the working American people be required to support able bodied welfare recipients?

I feel as you do, but I also blame this COUNTRY and our government for making it so darn easy for these people to milk our taxes to pay for their support.... Where else in the world would you find a half million people sitting back taking welfare money while this country outsources to places like India to get technical support for their businesses? There is definitely something wrong with that picture.... Joe Shmoe gets to sit home and collect his welfare check while I bust my to support my children and the school and property taxes that I pay AND income taxes yet when I have a problem with my computer or need to talk to a customer rep from ANY company, I get sent to someone in INDIA who I not only cannot understand but who really doesn't know how to do his ro her job... Don't believe me? Try calling Micro-soft tech support sometime... This government and businesses needs to stop outsourcing their jobs and get the lazy welfare recipients off their COUCHES and out in the work force... By the way, would we still have to DIAL 1 FOR ENGLISH if we had all Americans out in the workforce rather then some of them on Welfare?

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