Saturday, August 13, 2011

Does my crush like me back?

hey!!! so theres this guy i work with that i kinda like and i thought he liked me as well. hes very friendly to everyone but i thought he was different towards me. we always talk and joke around and when i told him i only work one day and i wont see him alot he sad so im not gunna see you for awhile and i will see you soon. and he complimented me on my job a few times. i know hes a nice guy but i dont think he would say all of this to anyone. so i gave him my number a few days ago and said even if you dont want it you can tell me how bad i am at my job lol. he said i will later and laughed but its been like 2 days now and he hasnt texted me. i hope i didnt scare him away and maybe im not giving him enough time to contact me. I need good advice on what maybe hes thinking

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