Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Please help: I'm angry and, I hate her loads (I don't normally use the word hate) ?

She's on my course at uni - I a lot older than her with life experience - her age says it ALL, on every sentence, using the word 'COOL'. It's getting to me, it really is; it started off with HER asking ME for my number, yet, it was always ME making the first move. some other f*****g fancies her - I never did, let's just get this straight, but believe, I had a confrontation with him because of her (a lost knobhead). I'm getting sick of her FAKENESS and HER BULLSHITNESS, especially when we have presentations - it's winding me up and it's also saddening me as she is also OUR student representative. I have a meeting with the programme leader of my course next week - should I spill the beans ??

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